Saturday, September 1, 2018

Happy 5 Months!

Dear Chloe,

    Today you are 5 months old. And my how that time has gone so quickly. In the short 5 months that you have been alive we have already had so many adventures together!

We have gone hiking, swimming, camping, road-tripping (only to Denver), we graduated nursing school together. We have learned to roll over, laugh, almost crawl and walk with support from mom or dad.

Not only that, but we have had the best laughs together, too. Like the time you were watching the ceiling fan and had a very loud and long poop accompanied with the funniest facial expression (the same one your dad makes when he does the same thing ha!)

Or the time when we were in Denver in June 2018 and your dad was talking to you and you "yelled" at him in response; it was probably one of the funniest moments yet!

Some of our most precious moments are when you and your dad have fallen asleep together on the couch or when he is singing to you, playing you the piano or just making funny noises at you. You two are so much alike and I know you will be a Daddy's girl for the rest of your life!

There are times when I have wondered if we made the right choice in having you so young; did we miss out on things we didn't think we would? Is this too much for us, too soon? After all, we had only been married a month when you came along. We all celebrated our one year anniversary together. Well sweetheart, I don't feel that I have missed out on a single thing. We have taken you with us on all of our adventures and we haven't missed anything that we would have done if you weren't here. We have enjoyed you and all of the things you bring to our lives every day.
Happy 5 Months of Life Baby Girl!! We can't wait for the days and years of loving you that are to come!

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