Sunday, September 21, 2014

Tunnel Vision

    The other night at around 4 in the morning I woke up like I do so often in the night, and practically had an epiphany. Why am I so worried about tomorrow or next year or the next five when I haven't even made it through this day yet? The internet says this almost every where you look, but you are not guaranteed a tomorrow. You aren't really even guaranteed a full today. That saying is completely true. For whatever reason there may be, some tomorrows will never come. That may sound morose but it is completely true for everyone.
   Our futures are comprised of everyday moments and choices that we make on a daily basis. Many of which we don't even realize we are doing. Our futures are unfolding before our eyes without us acknowledging it. Every little moment in your life, minutes wasted, seconds lost, hours waiting, it all effects our futures. Every little detail. Some of the moments that we feel may be insignificant, turn out to be the most significant, life-changing moments ever.
   Lately I have been worrying about my grades for my classes, my tests, my GPA, how I am going to study for the Kaplan test to get into the Nursing Program and what I am going to do once I am in it. I am worrying about where I will be in 5 years, what I'm doing, where I'm living and who will be there with me. What I figured out the other day is that none of that matters. Sure, goals are nice for the long run. Even short-term goals are great. But if we put too much focus on those goals and trying to change the days in our future that we haven't even lived yet, the day that we are living goes to waste. There are many people who don't get to see a full day and won't live until tomorrow. Their days are gone and there is nothing they can do about it. There is something that we can do about OUR days, though.
    My resolution is this: worry about today and get everything done during the course of the day that I can. If I don't get something done I am not going to worry about it because I did the best I could TODAY. I will keep my long term and short term goals in sight with out focusing on them completely and getting Tunnel Vision. I will make the best of every day and make each and every minute of my life count. I will do what I can and not sweat the little or big stuff. I will tell people I love them often and speak my mind. I will live my life for me and in the time I am given. I will do my best, because that is all anyone can ever do.

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