A couple weeks ago I came across this blog: 23 Things to do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You're 23. Its an excellent idea and I think that it gives a great opinion. I'm sure you can guess the topic. Any-who, the college that I attend has a couple of pages on Facebook for student use such as a "Confessions" page, a "Missed Connections" page and a listings page for selling stuff. I'm not an avid follower of any of these but during one of my boring days during winter break I saw a particular post concerning all of the recent engagements in my area that I found very interesting. The person who posted it shared my thoughts that it was concerning that many young couples are throwing away their youth to get married and settle down when they could and should be finding themselves and exploring the world around them. There were many posts that week about the same thing and the typical "you're stupid" and "they're young let them do what they want and stay out of it" comments occurred.
I commented with the link to the blog from above and moved on. There were many comments after mine when I went back to look days later. Someone had commented with a link to another blog: Must Read Young Woman Gives Amazing Response to the 23 Things to do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You're 23. This blog was written by a married 26 year old woman negating everything in the first blog. However, it is very poorly done and is written without an open mind. The author of the second blog took everything from the first blog way too seriously in her response.
I think that the whole point of the first blog was to get people to think about what they are doing with their lives. They don't know what is out there and that's what the girl is trying to say. You don't have to do exactly what she is saying, you can make your own list of things to do. It's like Pinterest, you don't have to do it the way the directions say or label your boards the same way as everyone else either, it's just a guideline. The point is to give the reader the first step into making their own choices and their own lives what they want.
Everyone has so many choices and opportunities in life and yet there are many people who chose to throw them away and settle for what they have. Settling down doesn't mean that you're settling for one person or one place, settling down means you're ready to stop moving and roaming around to make a permanent life for yourself with those that you love and want to spend your life with. Humans were once very nomadic and moved around constantly until they settled down and stayed in one place. One good thing about that lifestyle is how much they got to see and experience from their wanderings. That's something that so many people don't do anymore and quite a few people don't even have the desire to do which makes me very sad.
If there's one thing that I've learned from those two blogs and my own internal feelings is that you can't know what you want and like until you've tried many things that you don't like or want. We learn from our failures much more than our successes and many people don't understand that. You've dated what, two men in your life and have been to 4 states and Mexico and you're ready to be married? What have you experienced in life, what have you done in life?? Everyone's life journies are completely different and not two are the same, yet they should all have a point: to make it your own and do something with it.
Before you get married and settle down to share it with someone else you should make your own life before . I'm in no position to tell people how to live their own lives, but I don't understand how so many bright young women fail to understand this.Be yourself. You don't need a man to be happy. Marriage is the cherry on top of the cake. Cherries come after icing. Marriage is meant for when you're older and mature. Just because you are mature for your age doesn't mean that you're mature enough for marriage.